Monday, March 15, 2010

Toward Making Health Care HISTORY

The President came to a suburb of our city, Cleveland, Ohio today (Strongsville) to give a final push for health care reform. President Obama chose our city in response to a heart felt letter he received from a local resident Natoma Canfield, a 50-year-old cancer survivor who had written the White House in late December about her inability to afford insurance. The President was so touched by her health care nightmare that not only did he answer her letter, but he came to the Cleveland area to personally answer and address her needs as well as the needs of millions more. It had originally been planned that Natoma would introduce The President at today's event but that plan was curtailed when Natoma was unable to attend due to her illness, so her sister Connie Anderson took her spot. Thanks to The President's continued fight, we're in the final push toward health care reform which will-after decades of attempts-finally address the health care needs of millions of Americans just like Natoma.

WATCH: (6:10)

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